School Calendar for 2024-2025
This school calendar is based on 30 days of instruction. The calendar is subject to change based on unforeseen circumstances.
7 Erster Schultag / First Day of School
14 GSSB School Day
21 GSSB School Day
28 GSSB School Day
5 GSSB School Day
12 GSSB School Day
19 GSSB School Day
26 GSSB School Day / Halloween
2 GSSB School Day
9 GSSB School Day / St. Martinstag
16 GSSB School Day
20 DSD II schriftlich
23 GSSB School Day
7 GSSB School Day / Nikolaus / DSD II mündlich
14 Weihnachtsfeier / Holiday Celebration @ Lexington High School
4 GSSB School Day / AATG Tests (6th grade)
11 GSSB School Day / AATG Tests (7th + 8B),
18 GSSB School Day / AATG Tests (10th, 8A + DSD I)
25 GSSB School Day
1 GSSB School Day
8 GSSB School Day
1 GSSB School Day
8 GSSB School Day
12 DSD I schriftlich
15 GSSB School Day
22 GSSB School Day / DSD I mündlich
29 GSSB School Day
5 GSSB School Day / IVA schriftlich
12 GSSB School Day / IVA mündlich
3 GSSB School Day
10 GSSB School Day
17 BSV, Walpole / Abschlussfeier / Graduation @ BSV